Acupuncture & Obstetrics

Sarah Budd2

Presented by:     Sarah Budd
CPD Points:         8
Course Notes:    Provided for this lecture
Course cost:       $80




Course Overview

Welcome to the course Acupuncture & Obstetrics by Sarah Budd. Sarah Budd, has been practicing in acupuncture and midwifery since 1988. She has contributed to acupuncture text books and journals and co authored a UK government report on Complementary Medicine Regulation. She is the first acupuncturist midwife in the UK. In this exclusive lecture she shares her experience and expertise in a gentle and practical manner, alleviating any worries practitioners may have in treating pregnant patients. She walks you through the conditions that may present in pregnancy, showing you how to treat them as well as giving you a list of points forbidden to use in pregnancy. She also gives you advice to enable your patients to help themselves using moxibustion and acupressure. 

When you complete the online course, you will take Knowledge Test and complete the feedback survey. A Certificate of Completion will then be issued to you.

After completing this online course you will have a knowledge of:

  1. Which points are not safe to use during pregnancy
  2. What possible complications that can arise in pregnancy and how to treat them
  3. When it is safe to treat a patient and when to refer a patient to her midwife or doctor for further checks
  4. How to turn breech babies using moxibsution
  5. Which point combinations to use to stimulate the uterus and ease delivery.



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