Food As Therapy

Daverick Leggett

Presented by:     Daverick Leggett
CPD Points:         8
Course Notes:    Provided for this lecture
Course cost:       $80




Course Overview

Welcome to Food As Therapy by Daverick Leggett author of 'Recipes for Self Healing' and 'Helping Ourselves', two of the most accessible books on Chinese Medicine Dietetics available.

When you complete the online course, you will take Knowledge Test and complete the feedback survey. A Certificate of Completion will then be issued to you.

After completing this online course you will have a knowledge of:

  1. The theory behind Chinese Medicine dietetics and the energetics of food
  2. The Chinese Medicine view of popular diets such as Atkins and Blood Type diets among others
  3. The best approach to help patients with such patterns as Yin and Yang deficiency etc.



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