Childhood Enuresis

Julian Scott 2

Presented by:     Julian Scott
CPD Points:         8
Course Notes:    Provided for this lecture
Course cost:       $80




Course Overview

Welcome to the course Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by Julian Scott, reknown paediatric acupuncture specialist and international lecturer and author of:

  • Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children
  • Herbs in the Treatment of Children
  • Natural Medicine for Children
  • DVD The Gentle Needle
  • Acupuncture For The Eyes
  • DVD Healing the Eyes With Acupuncture

When you complete the online course, you will take Knowledge Test and complete the feedback survey. A Certificate of Completion will then be issued to you.

After completing this online course you will have a knowledge of and should be able to:

  1. Identify the main patterns in this syndrome
  2. Succcessfully differentiate between the patterns
  3. Determine the signs and symptoms according to their respective pattern
  4. Implement a treatment plan for your patients according to the pattern they present with
  5. Outline which points are best suited to moxibustion and when to use them



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